From Loja it was a short trip to the town of Vilcabomba. The town was an hour off my path to Peru, but I wanted to check it out. The town is known for having a pleasant climate year round and residents that live well into their 100's. Of course these characteristics have attracted a number of expats that are looking for a place to retire.
Upon my arrival I found a charming little village. A few blocks wide and a few blocks long.

I found a nice hostel called El Jardin Escondido (The Hidden Garden).

It was a Sunday and there were a number of people around the plaza. I was surprised at the large number Ecuadorian and International visitors.

There were certainly some senior citizens.

That were around the town hanging out at the park.

Enjoying the peace and quite of Vilcabamba.
But there was also a number of people visiting or living in Vilcabamba from abroad. The town seems to attract a few types... retirees, new agers, a few dropouts and some people that are simply living in an alternative universe.
I didn't do much in Vilcabamba other than engage in some really interesting and sometimes bazaar conversations.
I never really found out if or why people in Vilcabamba live long lives. But to all of those seeking happiness in Vilcabamba I wish them well.
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